A trademark is any word, slogan, symbol, design or combination of these that identifies the source and quality of your goods or services, and also distinguishes them from the goods and services of another party.

In ASEPROIND® we understand all the effort your company has done while positioning your brand names, earning market share, and offering high-quality products or services to differentiate your business from competitors.

We know that all the outcomes of your work are summed up in a sign, a worthy intangible asset which identifies that exclusive space built over the time to develop a direct and trustful relation with your customers: Your Brand!

Our reason for being is to accompany your firm to protect each one of its distinctive signs and to obtain the exclusivity rights by following the proper legal procedures.

In ASEPROIND® we offer the following trademark services:

  • Design and execution of registration strategies for your trademark in Venezuela and worldwide.
  • Preparation of clearance searches to verify the registration availability of your distinctive sign.
  • Follow up of your filling process.
  • Execution of opposition and nullity actions.
  • We attend international firms willing to place their brands in the Venezuelan market.


Copyright comprises the rights that creators have over the expression of ideas in their scientific, literary or artistic works, independently of its merit or destiny but considering its originality. According to Venezuelan legislation copyrighted works must be a fixed in a tangible form, such as a book, a CD, a photo, a printed paper, etc.

In ASEPROIND® we always receive musicians, artists, designers, drawers, architects, writers and other creators with many questions about how to protect their works correctly and how to make them profitable. Although in the Venezuelan juridical tradition Author´s rights are generated automatically at the moment of creation, only a specialized advisory will guarantee you complete access to enjoy moral and economic rights.

We take care of our clients´ interests regardless they are creators or companies interested in talent recruitment.

We offer:

  • Contracts drafting and checking.
  • Legal advisory.
  • Registration of works.


A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention to compensate the effort, time and resources invested to develop it. Patent protection means a temporary and exclusive right given by the State to the owner to make, distribute or sell his inventions.

The interest of State to issue a patent is to stimulate technological development and to obtain the disclosure of accurate information in order to reply the invention.

There are three prerequisites to obtain a patent: novelty, inventive or non-obvious step and industrial application, and there are some complementary modalities of protection such as invention patents, utility modes and industrial designs.

Sometimes it is not possible or desirable to start a patent application and your company can use other ways of protection for its strategic information such as industrial or trade secrets. In ASEPROIND® we offer legal advisory to keep confidential the competitive advantages of your business.

We support our clients by:

  • Preparing pre patentability opinions.
  • Drafting descriptive memories.
  • Drafting of patent contracts and contract formalization.
  • Filling and prosecution of patent registration in Venezuela and overseas.
  • Preparation of industrial or trade secret recommendations.
  • Drafting of confidentiality agreements.


A trademark is an asset, and our clients always want to take advantage of their investment, hence we are decided to accompany them in their business process.

ASEPROIND® has been built focused on trademark filing but oriented to provide comprehensive brand services, so we have evolved to support our clients by offering:

  • Drafting of Franchise and distribution contracts and its formalization.
  • Business Plan development.
  • Trademark Valuation.
  • Trademark License Agreements.
  • Trademark Assignments.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions.


Intellectual Property is more than a simple statement; it includes several duties and rights which must be actively enforced.

In ASEPROIND® we accompany you by actively participating in:

  • Litigations.
  • Border measures.
  • Civil, criminal and administrative actions.
  • Precautionary measures.
  • Anti-piracy and anti-counterfeiting.
  • Extra-Judicial agreements.
  • Alternative dispute resolution: Mediation and Arbitration.
  • Antitrust and fair competition.


At the request of our customers and based on their trust and need for quality services, we have developed some services different to IP, including some mandatory procedures to participate in business, for instance:

  • Company registration.
  • Sanitary permits.
  • Labeling and barcodes.
  • Accompanying in proceedings before the National Service of Quality and Metrology (SENCAMER).


In Over 30 years of experience our company has developed wide international networks and identified growth opportunities for our clients.

In ASEPROIND® we have a team prepared in many disciplines and fluent in several languages, ready to support your business internationalization process.

We offer following services to allow your trademark and company go beyond borders or expand your participation in foreign markets:

  • General advisory in legal, financial, logistical or commercial affairs.
  • Design of business internationalization and export plans.
  • Evaluation and selection of markets.
  • Processing of import/export permits.
  • Company registrations.
  • Foreign Investment law.




Urbanización El Viñedo, Calle 139. Torre H, Piso 4, Oficina 4. Valencia Estado Carabobo. VENEZUELA.


+58(241)825-3271 / 825-3271